Pallet Headboard

Welcome back friends. Is anyone still reading? My first two posts were quite lengthy, I know. I promise this one will be shorter. I did this project in the fall of 2014 and I didn’t take many pictures, so I won’t have as much to say.Headboard 1.jpg

I had been wanting a headboard since Zach and I moved in together. My pillow was always falling off the bed and I didn’t like the unfinished look. When I finally acquired some pallets I knew exactly what I was going to make. How I wanted it to look was another question entirely. I must have looked at 100 different pallet headboards before I started working. The internet is a dangerous place! I decided on horizontal boards with a built in shelf and a trim around the outside.

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Just before I attached the trim

I don’t remember much about the construction process, but I do remember that I had a plan, had everything laid out, and then moved a bunch of the boards around because I didn’t like the layout. I picked out driftwood Minwax stain, but once I applied it I didn’t like the color, it was too grey. I ended up mixing in provincial to make it darker and it turned out just right.

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I drilled holes and used bolts to attach the headboard to the frame

The approach I took for assembly was less than ideal, but I didn’t have a ton of 2×4’s and I figured I could just make it work. It is surprisingly sturdy despite lacking a real structure.

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Not the best design, but sturdy nonetheless 

I saw a couple of headboards with a shelf and I thought that it would be fun to have one. A few months after I completed this we bought a sleep number bed and I was so glad I included the shelf. If we didn’t have the shelf, I think Zach and I would have many spats about where to keep the bed remote.

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I love the rustic look
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The trim on the side is a little wonky, but that’s okay

I think my favorite thing about the bed is the strand of lights I added to it. After Christmas I picked up a strand battery powered LED lights that have a very thin wire connecting them. At night it’s nice to turn off the overhead lights and only have the gentle light of the LEDS as we get settled into bed.

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Aren’t those lights fun?

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Oscar approves

I like the finished look of the trim, but sometimes Harry likes to sit on the top then launch onto our heads in the middle of the night. Silly kitty! It’s okay, we still love him. Even though I made this over a year ago, most nights I still beam with pride before I get into bed.

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